Professional Locksmith

Auto/Car Locksmith Services

Imagine how many malls and shopping centers in Hartford have innumerous amount of people that have a lockout, doors locked, lost or damaged transponder keys, locked their keys in the trunk not to worry just call Locksmith Hartford, and we'll get you back in your car in a jiffy. We can unlock virtually anything with out damaging it.

We can make keys to replace lost or damaged keys for most foreign and domestic vehicles. You are not the first owner, to worry about auto-theft we can rekey or replace door locks and ignition keys.

Here at Locksmith Hartford you can rest assure that our locksmiths are highly trained and motivated to provide you with installation, surveying and the repair of your security setups and we offer an assortment of brand name locks.

Unless you have a spare key or know someone who does, it may be time to contact a locksmith. You need to contact an auto locksmith? Call Hartford Locksmith and we will have you back in your vehicle in a flash.

Locksmiths play a very significant role in today's society. They not only help people out of sticky situations, but they also install, build and repair locks and other security devices (vaults, safes, and alarms systems) along with duplicating keys.

Attempting to pick your lock or take apart your security systems on your own is not recommended. Trying such things on your own could do further damage and cost you more money in the end. Hiring certified auto locksmiths will ensure that the job is done efficiently and quickly.

Locksmith Hartford has had years of experience in this field, our company offers a 24-hour fast response.


All of our car locksmith specialists are insured, licensed and bonded.

We cheerfully invite you to join our many satisfied customers. Please contact Hartford Locksmith and one of our customer service representatives will dispatch a technician to you with speediness.

24/7 Locksmith Service
Hartford Locksmith
Phone: 860-509-4787 | Hours: Monday through Sunday, all day
Dispatch Point: Park St, Hartford, CT 06106
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